
  • The Virtual Event Space

    Host Your Event Virtually!

  • Everything you need to get started

Unique Experiences

Give users the ultimate event experience

Virtual Event Space (VES), a new 3D world based online event space platform that enable users fully interacting in the virtual event. Unique experience of being pioneer in the event industry are provided by VES.

Interacting freely with other users

Enjoy the ultimate interactions

VES allow users to interact with other users within the same room freely. Live chat, name card exchange, etc. are also allowed.

Distinctive world map & avatar

Explore your view in virtual event

Unique avatar and world map will definitely impress users and provide pleasant experience. Grab the chance and try VES on.

Modern & Flexible

High Adaptability

Simple and easy to understand. First time users can get up quickly and able to interact more in VES.

Stunning Showcases

Users can browse through preview showcases and get more ideas from there.


Customization is allow to fulfil customers need and make a stunning event in VES.

Engaging Features

VES able to provide live interactions features that are unprecedented in other platforms.

Exquisite Design

Gender-specific avatar and 3D surroundings generated in VES are well made.

Full Demo Content

Demo contents are available. Just approach to us and demo section will be prepared.

"Love this App. Proin venenatis, odio eget consectetur tincidunt, lacus magna."
Kim Smith
Satisfied Customer
"Fantastic! Vivamus imperdiet sed turpis nec elementum. Praesent ante."
John Williams
Satisfied Customer
"Amazing! Aliquam pulvinar odio non elementum laoreet. Vivamus pretium."
Liz James
Satisfied Customer
Pretty sweet right? Enquiry us & Download it today!


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